Saturday, November 3, 2012

First Round of Pictures

The glass bridge is called "Hidi Mshvidobisa." The closest translation in English is "Peace Bridge." It was just built recently in 2010 to connect "Old" and "New" Tbilisi.    The golden statue is on top of a massive pillar that marks "Liberty Square..." or "Tavisupleba Moedani" in Georgian. 

Post: Kissed By Strangers

Friends and family usually meet each other and sometimes say goodbye with a kiss on one cheek.   This definitely seems to be the preference over shaking hands or just giving each other a hug—which is what I’m used to seeing in the United States.   But I’m learning that it’s also the case that people might kiss you on the cheek even if you have just met one another—although I think this depends on whether or not they decide if they like you….so the first impression is important.   

I generally think of myself as an affectionate person, but I have to say that being kissed on the cheek by several people I’ve only just met has taken some time to get used to. I always appreciate the gesture, but I’m never expecting it when it happens.   So I either fail to return the kiss in a timely manner—meaning  it is extremely out of place when I try it—or it is uncomfortable for both of us because I don’t give the kiss back at all.   

During my first week of teaching, one of my co-teachers walked up to me after our students ran out of the room cheering for the bell, she grabbed my arm, told me she liked my teaching, and then kissed me on the cheek.  But this all happened really fast. 

 Step-grab-“I like your teaching”—KISS—goodbye.  

 The kiss caught me off guard, meaning I didn’t say anything back to her before she walked out of the classroom. 

Lately I’ve been improving.  I managed to meet two Georgian women who invited me to spend time with them last weekend.   They also kissed me on the steps in front of my school, but by then I was expecting it and actually saw it coming.  But there are still so many combinations in my head about how to return this greeting; I’m still not sure I’ve got it right.  I can’t tell if you’re supposed to actually kiss the person on the check or if you’re only supposed to kiss the air.  Am I supposed to kiss them and hug them at the same time or is this too affectionate?  Maybe the kiss AND a hug is only meant for family.   And  am  I allowed to give more than one kiss?  I’m pretty sure I’ve been kissed more than once.     I’m sure it sounds really ridiculous that I have to think about it so much….but that’s the funny thing about living in a brand new place.   I’m actually not overthinking it.   I should probably figure it out.  

On the up side, I’m meeting new people.